Friday, July 5, 2019

Premature Ejaculation - Remedies

Studies reveal that every one in three men suffer from premature ejaculation and can affect men of all ages.  Premature ejaculation or rapid ejaculation is defined as the persistent or recurrent ejaculation with minimum sexual stimulation before or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes it.  Men suffering from this sexual problem are always distressed and frustrated as it neither allows his partner or himself to enjoy sex.  Men experiencing premature ejaculation lose their confidence in their sexual performance and question their masculinity.

As long as it does not happen frequently, there is no cause for the man to worry but if it happens too often then a man should take precautions and seek a proper remedy to overcome it.  There are two kinds of premature ejaculation – primary where a man suffers from premature ejaculation all through his entire sexual life and secondary premature ejaculation where the man develops premature ejaculation later in life due to one or several possible causes.  Premature ejaculation can be caused due to both psychological and biological causes.

There are different ways to overcome this sexual problem like the ‘Squeeze Technique’, ‘Stop & Start Method’, more foreplay, masturbation, kegel exercises, medications and many more.  However, one of the best ways to get relief from premature ejaculation is to take herbal supplements which are effective and safe. These Herbal supplements also prolong and delay ejaculation, increases virility, improves anxiety and enhances self-confidence.

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