Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ways to overcome rapid ejaculation

Premature ejaculation affects huge numbers of men at some point in their lives and can be defined as a condition in which a man ejaculates earlier than he or his partner would like him to.  Studies reveal that more than 30 percent of men face this problem at some point in their lives and it also believes that stress and certain medical ailments like diabetes, glandular imbalances, and anatomical anomalies may give rise to this sexual disorder.

There are various natural ways to get rid of this problem.  Exercises help strengthen the pelvic muscles that plays an important role in controlling ejaculation.  The other way is the start-pause-stop method where a man stops the flow of urine and then again starts it. This, in turn, strengthens pelvic muscles and this leads to control over premature ejaculation.

Herbal supplements are also effecting in combating early ejaculation as they are formulated using herbs that are effective and safe and helps naturally control your ejaculation.  Know more