Thursday, July 9, 2009

Anti-depressants: Not a better Option for Premature Ejaculation!!

Premature is a common sexual problem amongst men. It is characterized by lack of control over ejaculation. A man suffering from premature ejaculation often ejaculates before his partner reaching orgasm during sexual intercourse. Premature ejaculation (PE) is also known as early ejaculation or rapid ejaculation. It not only hampers sexual relationship but also badly affects the emotional well being of an individual causing depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.

Though a number of safe herbal products are available in the market which can curb premature ejaculation without causing side-effects i.e. DuraMale but many people get lured by the claims made by anti-depressant drugs for quick results.

The anti-depressants which are mainly known to treat premature ejaculation are Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil. These all anti-depressants can cause a delay in your ejaculation however with the delay that also results in erectile dysfunction, low libido and sexual desire.

That means, on one hand antidepressants will curb your premature ejaculation but at the same time they will make you suffer from other sexual dysfunctions. This way, your whole life will go in looking for the treatments of your sexual issues. Thus it’s better to get a medicine which will increase your ejaculatory control naturally.

DuraMale is one such herbal premature ejaculation pills that work effectively to increase your retention time and control over ejaculation. This medication is 100% free from any short-term or long-term side-effects and also benefits you with increased stamina and sexual desire.

DuraMale is especially formulated to curb rapid ejaculation problem. To enrich your knowledge about premature ejaculation and this best remedy to last longer in bed, visit

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