Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Overcome Premature Ejaculation naturally

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common male sexual dysfunctions in men and there are various ways to overcome this problem. Many men try the Kegel exercises which involves you flexing your pelvic floor muscles and which are easy to do as it takes takes up just a few minutes of your day. Squeeze method is another popular way to stop premature ejaculation.  In this method either the man or his partner need to squeeze the tip of the penis for a few seconds when ejaculation is imminent withholding any stimulation for 30 seconds and then continue with stimulation.

There are simple ways like prolonging foreplay which also helps men with premature ejaculation.  You should take a deep breath and try to divert your mind if you feel that you are going to ejaculate soon.  The faster you breathe during sex the faster you get sexually excited.  Hence try and have a more slow and controlled breathing during sex as it will help calm your mind which in turn helps in delayed ejaculation.  

Not only men but even women suffer as they want a man that can last long enough to satisfy her and not in just a few minutes. To give women more pleasure it is important that you do it the right way.   If you want to last longer in bed and see good results, the best thing that you can do is to do herbal supplements to overcome this sexual disorder.  These herbal pills target the root cause of early ejaculation as it gives the brain support to create more serotonin which helps attain a delayed climax during sex. Overcome the problem of   premature ejaculation and make sex more enjoyable for both partners -   www.duramale.com

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